__init__: function (toolbar) { sl.log("clearID:" + clearID); background-image: url("https://cdn.schoolloop.com/release_1.0.61/pf4/img/sl-cms2__table-modules-icons-large.png"); outline: 3px solid yellow; var SLFormDialogManipulate = SLFormDialog.$extend({ }); .horizontal_form_elements .wide_input_box { var AddAssignmentPlus = AddAssignment.$extend({ fieldChangeHandler: function (event) { __classvars__: { font-size: 12px; additonalData: variables div.form-element:hover { }, ".jsDropdownInline ." var result = (this.settingURLType != null) && (this.settingURLType == "link"); color: #0066cc; }, setupListenersElement: function () { .sl-cms2-ui-tabs .sl-cms2-ui-tabs-nav li.sl-cms2-slides-tabs__tab--focussed:hover { }, var dialogDefinition = ev.data.definition; font-weight: normal; } margin-top:-15px; margin-top: 30px; padding: 5px 10px; El da 1 es el da despus del inicio de los sntomas o cuando se tom la prueba que dio positivo. display: inline-block; attributePrefix: "" color:#002f60 var position = jQuery("#" + this.moduleToolbarID).closest(".cms2-selectable-module").offset(); width: 100px; .sl-chrome-sitemap__fa-long-arrow-left { sl.log("show prefilled") itemClickHandler: function (event) { flex: 0 1 auto; margin: 4px 0 0 0; height: 20px; height: 500px; var AddModAbove = ToolbarTools.$extend({ flex-direction: column; createDialog: function (dialogArea, height) variables["edit_form_data"] = formDataID; if ( this.submitCallback != null ) event.preventDefault(); align-items: flex-start; .sl-cms2-page-modules__icon-button--megamenu { background-position: 0px -500px; } flex-direction: row; color: #fff; .sl-cms2-image-gallery__blank-download { var hoverOnBlockSelector = "#block_" + parentItem.data("id"); newField.attr("name", name); .sl-cms2-attachments__item { input.sl-cms2-toolbar__lock-radio[type=radio]:checked + label.sl-cms2-toolbar__icon-button--lock-content { asyncFieldChangeHandler: function (event) { this.editorHandler.setBlockData(twitter_handle) /*.sl-cms2-locker-tree__ui-icon-triangle--closed-item {*/ + this.containerClass + " ." this.selectButton = jQuery("#"+options.elementId); } z-index: 800; } text-decoration: none; setupElementQueries: function() { } else if (selectType == "asset") { } The developer does not collect any data from this app. border: 4px dashed lightgrey; background: url("https://cdn.schoolloop.com/release_1.0.61/pf4/img/attach_link_blue.png") no-repeat scroll 0 0; padding: 5px 15px; background: rgb(255, 255, 255); return ajaxCall; } .sl-cms2-page-modules__icon-button--text { } /*margin: 0 20px;*/ this.moduleToolbar.toolbarTools["crop-image"].setCropAttributesNoUpdate(this.getCropAttributes()); if ( this.openedDialog ) var top = (this.findTop != null) ? } { .sl-cms2-bg-theme_header .sl-cms2-bg-accent.sl-cms2-minustext{ url: url, padding: 5px; text-align: left; width: 100%; } } .sl-cms2-sites-2nd-school-template-card-header__title-div { text-decoration: underline; .cms2-editor-dialog__table-style-icon.sl-cms2-table-style__colored.sl-cms2-table-style__row_header { .sl-chrome-sitemap__td { }; align-items: center; }); }; }, } } } width: 20px; height: 20px; progressBar.progressbar(); } }); dropZone:"#" + this.fieldID } cursor: pointer; { }, background-image: url("https://cdn.schoolloop.com/release_1.0.61/pf4/img/sl-cms2-folder__closed-item.png"); } type: "GET", var VideoModuleVideo = ToolbarTools.$extend({ this.button = this.jsToolbar.find(".jsCalendarOptions"); dialog.createDialog(); var isVisible = this.toggleDropdownElement(button, container, hiddenContent); var attributes = { } padding: 2px; Headquarters - 333 South Beaudry Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90017. .sl-cms2-image-uploader__time-remaining { var variables = {}; text-decoration: none; break; } }); background: url('https://cdn.schoolloop.com/release_1.0.61/pf4/img/icon_locker_sprite.png') 0px 105px; padding: 0; margin-top: 5px; } background: #ffffff; "margin-left": "auto", test = true; .recurring-settings input.radio { .horizontal_form_elements select::-ms-expand{ } } }, } cursor: pointer; -webkit-border-radius: 2px; background: #090; variables.object_name = objectName; The file may have a virus"); jQuery(".jsAnchorMenuTarget").each(jQuery.proxy(this.addMenuItem, this)); top: -15px; background: #2A7B03; var Dropdown = AccordionDropdowns.$extend({ .attachments-area { } -moz-transform: skew(0deg, -6deg); "calendar-options": "CalendarOptions", this.selectButton.fileupload({ -webkit-border-radius: 5px; * this.setAttribute(attributes); .horizontal_form_elements_fullpage .form-field-label { .sl-cms2-locker-tree__ui-icon-triangle--open-item { } } .sl-cms2-link-list__link--link { position: relative; margin-bottom: 10px jQuery("body").on("click", this.buttonSelector, jQuery.proxy(this.clickHandler, this)); .sl-cms2-lollipop-add-below::before { jQuery(document).on("click", "." var variables = { margin: 0; display: block; font-family: Lato, Arial, sans-serif; var result = sl.findDataInParent(start, "documentAttachment"); var hideDiv = jQuery("#" + id + "_hide"); jQuery(".jsDropButton").removeClass("display-block").addClass("display-none"); initModuleToolbar: function () { } align-items: center; buttonClickHandler: function (event) { .sl-cms2-dropdown-menu__color-item { border-width: 2px; }, }, { } this.removeToolbar(); .sl-cms2-page-modules__icon-button--template-header--district { } font-size: 13px; clearTimeout(this.windowResizeTimeout); display: flex; color: #0F62A6 !important; .cms2-calendar-schedule-display__event-time { }); } }; } .sl-cms2-attachments__upload-button-group .sl-cms2-attachments__link:hover, var value = CKEDITOR.instances[this.id].getData(); } add: jQuery.proxy(this.addHandler, this), } padding: 0 20px; z-index: 10; .student-list { color:#575757 if (!CKEDITOR.currentInstance) { __init__: function (fieldID, clickableID, popupURL, emptyImageURL) -moz-box-shadow: 0px 1px 1px 0px rgba(102, 102, 102, 1); attributes: attributes, addSelectedStyle: function () { attributePrefix: "" } } }, } var result = sl.findDataInParent(start, "imageField"); border-top-left-radius: 3px; justify-content: space-between; }, jQuery(".jsUsePoorMansElementQueries").each(jQuery.proxy(this.setupCSSModifierClasses,this)); margin: 0; background: transparent url(https://cdn.schoolloop.com/release_1.0.61/pf4/img/sl-cms2__toolbar-icons.png) no-repeat -99px -261px; this.$super(toolbar); "kMGTPE" : "KMGTPE").charAt(exp - 1) + (unit === 1000 ? "" .sl-cms2-template-fonts { jQuery("#" + clearLinkID).on("click", jQuery.proxy(this.clearValue, this)); this.setFormID(formID); border: 1px #dddddd solid; var options = { jQuery("#jsStudentHeaderTemplate").clone().attr("id", "liveTemplate").appendTo("body"); else font-size: 15px; } margin: 0 0 20px 0; } 0:00 Para espaol, haga clic en CC y luego vaya a Configuracin0:12 Go to dailypass.lausd.net0:24 Click login button to sign-in0:38 Click "Get Daily Pass"1:0. padding: 10px; }, __init__: function (toolbar) { this.drawerIframeHolder.css({ var modifier = this.jsToolbar.find(".jsTitleAlignment").data("modifier"); height: 17px; }; background: #f90; .sl-cms2-rss_item__thumbnail, } background: transparent url(https://cdn.schoolloop.com/release_1.0.61/pf4/img/sl-cms2__toolbar-icons.png) no-repeat -1px -412px; } }; } }); } if ( this.stopped == false ) } var AddAssignment = AddItemTool.$extend({ font-size: 12px; color: #666666; input.time_display { background-position: 0px -1100px; { .jsAjaxAccordionContent { }, .sl-cms2-files-library__delete { background: #113C78; .sl-cms2-bg-theme_header { } width: "1024px", .width(targetWidth) deleteHandler: function () { }, }, } this.dialogPopupDiv = "#" + fieldID + "Dialog"; padding: 0 12px; }, .sl-chrome-group-membership__head-cell { transform: translate(-50%, 0); border: 2px solid #dd6677; } text-decoration: none; background: #cccccc; ev.stopPropagation(); this.openedDialog = true; background-color: #333333; // return jQuery.proxy(this.notesPublishHandler,this); url: url, }; createDragHelper: function (event, ui) { } .sl-cms2-locker-tree__ui-icon-triangle { + this.containerClass + " ." }, var selectedID = this.selectedID; Students will present their Daily Pass and get their temperature checked (contactless). .sl-cms2-toolbar__icon-button--border-color { dataType: "json", jQuery("#" + this.iFrameDivID).hide(); Todas las escuelas cuentan con mascarillas quirrgicas disponibles para su distribucin si lo solicita cualquier estudiante o empleado. } .sl-cms2-link-list__drag-handle { * }); }, time: durationSelected Los Angeles Unified has launched a one-stop shop web app built specifically for the District to ensure that we get students, faculty and administrators back to schools and district offices as safely as possible. .sl-chrome-problem-reports-table__body-container { } this.listenForResize = options.listenForResize; .sl-column-container__width-35 { var width = jQuery(element).width(); .sl-cms2-ui-tabs { } event.preventDefault(); jQuery.ajax({ this.$super(toolbar); }); .sl-chrome-cms1-conversion-record__button--red:after { { jQuery(element).removeClass(currentClass); zoom: 1; { update: function () { var SelectableModule = Class.$extend({ padding: 1px 5px; buttons: [ padding: 5px; } variables["embed_url"] = embedURL; for clearing timeouts } -webkit-user-select: none; /* Safari */ .sl-chrome-create-page__selector-radio { background: url("https://cdn.schoolloop.com/release_1.0.61/pf4/img/icon_delete_sm.png") no-repeat scroll center top !important; this.progressInstance = new ProgressBar(options); .sl-cms2-sites-homepage-card-footer__link--bottom { cursor: default; }, /*border: 1px solid green;*/ color: #ffffff; } } }, .sl-cms2-dropdown-menu .sl-cms2-dropdown-menu__button--image { flex-direction: row; } else if (selectType == "asset") { * this.jsModuleToolbar.on("click", jQuery.proxy(this.toolbarClickHandler, this));// stop propagation except for dropdowns testUrlForCors: function (url) { padding: 10px; width: currentImage.width(), color: #003366; out: jQuery.proxy(this.dropOutHandler, this), padding: 5px; __classvars__ : callback: jQuery.proxy(this.setAddPaddingSuccess, this), padding: 15px; variables["field_value"] = value; if ((this.id == null) || (this.id != id)) { } } cursor: pointer; var enteredValue = target.val(); .image-popup #page-title { url: url, /*Parent Square RSS Item stylings*/ } font-family: FontAwesome; .sl-cms2-lollipop-add-below:hover:before { float:none; }, RefreshElementQueries: function() border-radius: 3px; this.$super(defaults, options); color:#575757 jQuery("#" + this.titleDisplay).hide(); align-content: flex-start; }); title: "fromweb", data: variables, }, list-style-type: none; this.initFileDrop(); } /*width: 90px;*/ genericAlert : function (el) { this.field = this.jsToolbar.find(".jsCornerRadius input"); }); getCropAttributes: function () { url: url, }, color:#575757 //just handles the setting of elements background-position: 0px -2900px; background-repeat: no-repeat; data: variables, color: #009900; var backgroundRegion = target.val(); } this.$super(event); this.$super(toolbar); .sl-cms2-dropdown-menu__list-item-selected { Daily Pass generates a unique QR code for each student and staff member, and that code authorizes entry to a specific LAUSD location for that day only -- as long as the individual receives a. font-family: Lato, Arial, sans-serif; padding: 0; width: 800, isOpen: function (target) { processDoneHandler: function (e, data, type) { html: dataHtml, } } sl.addAjaxScope(variables); border: none; } } .cms2-selectable-module__module_title { -khtml-user-select: auto; /* Konqueror HTML */ } width: 1%; .token-input-input-token input { addHandler: function (e, data) { flex-direction: row; content: "Selected" height: 16px; }, }, .sl-cms2-admin-bar--blue .sl-cms2-admin-bar__tab-item--selected { Los estudiantes que desarrollan sntomas o enfermedad en la escuela debern usar una mascarilla mientras reciban tratamiento en la oficina de salud y al esperar que los recoja un padre/tutor. .filter-values { font-weight: normal; .sl-cms2-image-uploader__thumbnail { }, context: this, } .ui-draggable-dragging .cms2-draggedModule-helper [id^=jsFullModule_] { }, ".jsDropContent :tabbable"); + this.selectableClass, SelectableModule.selectHandler); position: absolute; sl.log("keydownHandler") background-image: url("https://cdn.schoolloop.com/release_1.0.61/pf4/img/sl-cms2__table-modules-icons-large.png"); position: absolute; mod: "block_info" }); line-height: 1em !important; flex-direction: row; } var code = (event.keyCode ? display:block; justify-content: space-between; }); position: relative; } border: none; this.fullFieldDiv.trigger("slEventShowEmbeddedControls"); openPopup: function (event) { color: #fff; __init__: function () { return (target.hasClass("jsDropColumn")) ? var target = jQuery(event.target); } clickDrawerCloseHandler: function (event) { }); this.getFormArea().empty().append(data); color: #2a487c; .sl-cms2-toolbar__icon-button:focus, } "kMGTPE" : "KMGTPE").charAt(exp - 1) + (unit === 1000 ? "" } width: 100px !important; position: relative; days + 'd ' : ''; }, this.buttonSelector = "." } this.jsToolbar = toolbar.getModuleToolbar(); border-bottom: 2px solid #999; title: title, this.showEmbedControls(); this.button = this.jsToolbar.find(".jsAddNote"); } .sl-cms2-sites-homepage-card-header__icon-home { parentClickHandler: function (event) { { this.jsProgressItemHolder.show(); height: 30px; toggleLinkShareModeHandler: function (event) getVideoFitAttributes: function () { var subtitle = this.blockElement.find(".jsModuleSubTitle:first").text() this.$super(toolbar); } width: 70%; this.button.focus(); Day Pass. close: function (target) { url: "/pf4/cms2/setImagePositionAndSize", case "module-top": } var result = sl.findDataInParent(start, "resourceField"); //this.currentDialog.on({"click": function() { this.button = this.jsToolbar.find(".jsCopyModule"); .sl-chrome-sitemap__icon-expand .fa { url: "/pf4/cms2_sl/theme_text_styles", } this.button = this.jsToolbar.find(".jsFileDropdownButton"); } this.dialogPopup = vex.open({ }, background: transparent url(https://cdn.schoolloop.com/release_1.0.61/pf4/img/sl-cms2__toolbar-icons.png) no-repeat -1px -212px; .sl-cms2-column-container .cms2-print-format--hide { dialogArea.empty().append(data); background-position: right; context: this, -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 1px 1px 0px rgba(102, 102, 102, 1); var enteredWidth = target.val(); // Take the dialog name and its definition from the event data. saveAndCloseCroppier: function () { { } } var targetModule = target.closest(".cms2-selectable-module"); callback: jQuery.proxy(this.setPromoAttributeSuccess, this), jQuery(".jsColumnSpaceHover").removeClass("display-none-important"); }, margin-right: 15px; { height: 160px; display: block; } "top": targetModule.height() - bottom } var htmlData = this.contents.find("iframe.cke_wysiwyg_frame").contents().find(".cke_editable").html(); //to refresh description field $71 million annual investment in additional, intensive custodial support to disinfect all spaces nightly. } sl.addAjaxScope(variables); text-decoration: none; color: #fff; "overflow": "auto" "add-padding": "ColumnPaddingCheck", url: url, targetModule.children(".jsColumnSpaceHover").addClass("display-none-important"); color:#ffffff this.editorHandler.confirmCropHandler(); .cms2-calendar-schedule-display__main-container { /* site status card -- SN */ this.defaultImageStyle = "width:100%; margin: 10px 0px;"; } variables["mod"] = "theme_text_styles"; .sl-cms2-link-dialog__test_link_container { } }, { background-position: right; fileUploadButton: this.jsToolbar.find(".jsVideoModuleVideo .jsUploadVideo"), ElementQueries.pageInstance.setupElementQueries(); * 100% { recordButton: function(index, element) font-size: 12px; font-family: Lato, Arial, sans-serif; padding-right: 50px; type: "GET", justify-content: center; }); .sl-chrome-sitemap____hidden-item-text { } variables["field_name"] = this.fieldName; }, display: inline-block; padding: 1em; border-radius: 5px; background: #0066cc; .sl-cms2-icon__container--add-mod-below { -moz-user-select: auto; /* Firefox */ if (bodyWidth > maxWidth) { jQuery("#link_" + this.selection).toggleClass("on"); on the Daily Pass Portal. -webkit-border-radius: 5px; } } position: relative; } + AccordionDropdowns.buttonClass + ", .jsDropdownCheckbox ." position: relative; background-size: contain; this.findButtons(data); flex-direction: column; border: 1px #b7d4ec solid; } "left": 0, var resizer = new ImageResizer(resize_options); .cms2-calendar-schedule-display__event-title { .sl-cms2-link-list__link-container { width: 33%; var i; } /* var code = (event.keyCode ? } : (p) ? .sl-row-container__stretch-justify { } .jsDropdownMenu .jsDropContent a { html: dialogHtml, padding: 0 12px; .sl-chrome-sitemap__table { } dialogHtml.find("[name='subtitle']").val(this.editorHandler.getSubtitle()); .jsAccordionRow:active { hiddenContent.slideUp("fast").attr("aria-hidden", "true").removeClass("jsCurrent"); this.selectedID = jQuery(selected).attr("jsID"); sl.log("resize 3:", width, height); this.fromLockerURL = fromLockerURL; }, removeImage: function () { cursor: pointer; }, if (this.button != null) { return false; this.close(); } * __init__: function (toolbar) { background: #000033; this.addLinkDialog.createDialog(); cursor: pointer; .sl-cms2-module-picker-preview-edit-overlay__link { * position: absolute; variables.object_name = objectName; var DocumentAttachment = Class.$extend({ color:#002f60 */ .cke_dialog_body .cms2-editor-dialog__table-style-header-row { margin-bottom: 0; this.moduleToolbar.displayToolbar(); }); this.buttonSelector = "." background-repeat: no-repeat; .sl-chrome-site-center-tools__tool { url: url, jQuery(clearID).on("click", jQuery.proxy(this.clearValue, this)); this.setFromTarget(target); We currently have enough filters for this school year. margin-right: 10px; } } method: "POST", var settings = (newSettings != null) ? this.editorHandler.makeDistrictBlock(title); sl.log("openDialog data", data); var attributes; } jQuery("body").on("click", ("." position: relative; this.blockElement.on("dragstart", "img", false); jQuery.extend({}, vex.dialog.buttons.NO, { } itemsContainer: this.attachmentListArea attributes: attributes, -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 0 15px #bbb; // called by web_link.js if user cancels add link dropZone:"#" + this.fieldID + "_full_field" submitCurrentForm: function () } .sl-cms2-menu-alt-vertical__list-item--selected a {

Cold, Scanty And Embarrassed In Discourse, Articles L

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