Another 1,679 Marines had died of non-battle causes. guns and the last company of tanks. This first piece began with the landing of the 9th Marine Expeditionary Brigade at Da Nang on 8 March 1965 and ended with the large scale actions of the III Marine Amphibious Force against North Vietnamese regulars who had crossed the Demilitarized Zone in the fall and winter of 1966. Major General William K. Jones, Commanding General of the 3d Division, left for Okinawa on 7 November where he would also be Commanding General, I Marine Expeditionary Force. The third increment redeployments further increased the disparity in size between the Army and Marine Corps components. The second part of the operation had been a ruse, deliberately leaked to get an enemy reaction. And finally, the 7th Marines, with its CP at Baldy, continued to work its battalions in the Que Sons and Que Son valley. Once, however, a location was labeled on "LZ or "FSB the appellation tended to stick, as in the case of Baldy which had grown into a full-fledged brigade or regimental-size combat base and Ross which easily accommodated a battalion. Taken together, these articles, and General Simmons' seriesincluding this concluding article, which discusses the systematic withdrawal of Marine air and ground forcesprovide a valuable record of Marine Corps operations in Vietnam. This attempted crossing precipitated a three-day fight with Colonel Robert L. Nichols 7th Marines which cost the enemy 289 killed. The only significance of the hill was the fact that your North Vietnamese (were) on it the hill itself had no tactical significance, General Zais was quoted as saying. Then, on 21 September, the 2d and 3d Battalions of the 5th Marines boarded their helicopters, leaving An Hoa, Hill 65, and Hill 37, but not for Catawba Falls. Jimi Hendrix served with the 101st for about a year before he was honorably discharged from the Army in 1962. Combat Aviation Brigade, 101st Airborne Division - Wikipedia Operations in A Shau Valley 1 May - 31 July 1969 [PDF, 7.2 MB] Operation Apache Snow (Hamburger Hill, May 1969) . Historical Photo Gallery In all, the Wing had about 170 fixed-wing and 210 helicopters after the deployments were completed. Finally, in the 11th attack, the North Vietnamese stronghold was captured on May 20, when thousands of U.S. troops and South Vietnamese soldiers fought their way to the summit. On 21 May, Colonel Pommerenk released MAG-ns facilities on the west edge of the Da Nang air base (developed to a point where they would have been unrecognizable to the original Shu Fly occupants) to the U. S. Air Force. This meant drawing in a little tighter towards Da Nang, The 1st Marines turned over their old CP on Hill 55 (which had been a Marine regimental command post since being occupied by the 9th Marines in the spring of 1966) to the 51st ARVN Regiment and moved to the CP vacated by the 26th Marines close to the Division headquarters. Some 9,000 to 10,000 replacements were needed each month in the Western Pacific. They established a series of fire and patrol bases and conducted several operations that prevented the enemy from re-entering Thua Thien. It was thought that the air-ground war for the Marines in Vietnam had ended. The 1st Marine Aircraft Wing was to provide a heavy-lift capability by way of its CH-53S, and, through Seventh Air Force, would be tasked for tactical air support. A helo landing zone would be quickly cleared. The enemy never elected to do more than lightly harass a landing. His attack plan contained few surprises: as it had been during Tet 1968 and again in August 1968, the city was infiltrated, an attack was made up from the south through the heavily populated lowlands, and a thrust with major units came out of the mountains west of Da Nang.4. Ibid. Throughout February, Marine-provided lift continued at a level of from two to eight CH-53S. and 130-mm. Aerial support was hampered by the weather which delayed getting started each day. 252 likes, 2 comments - Eddie (@the_vietnam_war3.0) on Instagram: "A medic of the U.S. Army's 101st Airborne Division attempts to save the life of a fellow medic ." Eddie on Instagram: "A medic of the U.S. Army's 101st Airborne Division attempts to save the life of a fellow medic wounded during the assault against the North Vietnamese at . During the four successive Sundays in March, elections were held for village council members and hamlet chiefs. 8 The 175-mm. On 7 September, BLT 1/26, lifted by HMM-265, landed south of Hoi An on Barrier island in what would be the last Special Landing Force operation of the war. The 3d Battalion, 2d ROKMC Brigade, had established a blocking position across the island. A total of 41,800 of these reductions were to be Marines. The next ring beyond the Defense Sectors was the so-called Rocket Belt. Enemy dead had been counted at 1,617, and 1,461 weapons and hundreds of tons of ammunition, equipment, and supplies had been taken. The 101st Airborne Division had moved into the A Shau valley on 22 February and commenced Massachusetts Striker. The combined effort had resulted in a claimed 538 enemy killed, 87 prisoners, 45 Hoi Chanhs, and 171 weapons captured. The 7th Marines operations in Pickens Forest had developed some inviting fixes as to the location of the 38th NVA Regiment in the rugged country west of Nong Son. The Division order for Catawba Falls resembled that for Imperial Lake. On 28 February the books had been closed on the long-term area operations, Kentucky and Scotland IIKentucky being in the vicinity of Con Thien and Scotland II in the vicinity of Khe Sanh. A third division moved east from the A Shau Valley toward Hue. In Phase I, which began at 0001, 30 January, the 1st Brigade, 5th U.S. Mechanized Division, would open Route 9 from Vandegrift to abandoned Khe Sanh and thence co the Laotian border. Built near Red Beach within the Camp Brooks perimeter, the hospital was PLC's principal civic action project and had cost $300,000 in donations and countless hours of volunteer work. Brigade 369 went into action near FSB Nancy. But the of rocket attacks against the Da Nang vital area remained low, possibly because of this and other vigorous actions to get at the rockers before they could be moved into launching position. The October rains came to a climax with Typhoon Kate which caused Quang Nam to have its worst floods since 1964. The Marine rifleman, patrolling the paddy dikes south of Da Nang and stepping high to avoid tripwires, probably never heard of the shift from TAORs to TAOIs, but he was soon aware that he no longer was ranging quite so far afield and he was conscious that there were more ARVN patrolling the "villes and out in the bush. Of a total of 45,000 Americans to be redeployed by mid-December, 18,483 would be Marines, essentially the rest of the 3d Division together with a proportional share of aviation and service units. Near the head of Que Son valley (or the Nui Loc Son basin as it is also called) a number of streams come together to form the Song Thu Bon which then passes northward through the western Que Sons into Nong Son valley and" then north through another cut into An Hoa basin. A revised Hamlet Evaluation System, with more stringent criteria, had caused a statistical drop in I Corps security. Many of his rice caches were flooded and spoiled. III MAF would continue as a separate service command under MACV but for operations in ICTZ it was essentially a division-wing team, under the operational control of XXIV Corps, with its area of responsibility limited to Quang Nam province. Meanwhile the 38th NVA Regiment's base area was being given a final pounding by five B-52 strikes. In the face of the four-battalion attack, the North Vietnamese retreated to sanctuary areas in Laos. III MAF had celebrated the 195th birthday of the Corps on 10 November with a tremendous pageant staged in one of the hangars on the west side of Da Nang airbase. The first major troop withdrawal had been announced: 25,000 American servicemen were to be out of Vietnam by 31 August. Departure of the Shore Party Battalion and the Amphibian Tractor Battalion underscored how far the Division had moved from its original amphibious configuration and mission. U. S. support of the operation had cost 176 Americans killed, 1,048 wounded, and 42 missing. . (Actual III MAF strength on 31 December 1970 was 24,715 Marines plus 1,010 Navy men.) The 1st Battalion, 7th Marines, obligingly covered the Arizona for the absentee 5th Marines, and, on 12 August, ran into two battalions of the resurgent 90th NVA Regiment and a battalion of the 368B Rocket Regiment. 299 and 313-314. Lamar Plain Story Turning Point At Tam Ky: The 101st Airborne's Hidden Battle in Vietnam Unclassified Report. Escort by the Cobras was in keeping with Marine doctrine and, although there were many heavy lifts into Laos (the farthest west being to FSB Sophia near Tchepone, 40 kilometers inside the border) only one Marine heavy helicopter was lost to enemy fire. to 57-mm. Of to all the efforts by III Marine Amphibious Force to provide security to the rural areas and to assist in pacification, perhaps the most successful was the Combined Action Program. New home for MAG-11 would be El Toro where it would become part of the 3d Marine Aircraft Wing. The Vietnamese and Korean combined count was 27,440. Among the reinforcing units which were also being redeployed was the 1st Antitank Battalion (the Ontos with its six 106-mm. The North Vietnamese re-occupied Hamburger Hill a month later. (As with all the redeployments, there was a "mixmaster of personnel in accordance with redeployment criteria. Imperial Lake would keep the Que Sons neutralized for the remainder of the 1st Marine Divisions stay in Vietnam. howitzers and 4.2-inch mortars), an infantry battalion command post, a logistic support area, and an aid station. Nam Phong, 300 miles from Da Nang and about the same distance from Hanoi, had been begun five years earlier as a stand-by facility. It terminated on 7 May 1971. In the north, Colonel LaFonds 3d Marines had been continuing Operation Virginia Ridge in the central DMZ area. The titles reflect the division's shift from airplanes to helicopters as . He called together the general officers assigned to III MAF and told them he was leaving on 13 December for hospitalization at Bethesda. The operational life of 3d MAB would be short. One easily perceived result of the five-and-a-half-month effort to cleanse the Dodge City-Go Noi island area was that Route 4 was open to traffic, relatively free of harassment, from Hoi An to Dai Locand more venturesome types could proceed west from Dai Loc to Thuong Due. On 9 August, the 2d Battalion made a long jump westward to FSB Hatchet above the Song Cai. 17 Keith Barr McCutcheon, one of the Marine Corps' most distinguished aviators, was placed on the retired list with the rank of four-star general on 1 July 1971, and died of cancer 13 July 1971. Not many guys can take it much longer.. Then, on 7 June, the 5th Marines made contact with the newly-arrived 90th NVA Regiment in the Arizona territory. Meanwhile, sappers had tried unsuccessfully to get to the command posts of the 1st Marine Division and 26th Marine regiment on the reverse slope of Hill 327, hoping apparently to disrupt command and control while their heavier columns debouched from the hills to the west and crossed the valley drained by the Tuy Loan river. The goal for the year was security for 100% of the population. Shortly after midnight the enemy attempted to seize the two highway bridges which carry Route One over the Song Cau Do in Hoa yang district south of Di Nang airfield. FSB Ryder, the superb artillery battery position on the ridge above Ross overlooking Antenna valley, was razed for lack of a tenant. But the first the III MAP subordinate commanders and their staff knew officially about the impending incursion into Laos was on 30 January when they were briefed on the essentials of the operation. HMM-362's place was taken by HMH-361 which brought up to three the number of squadrons equipped with the heavy CH-515. As a percentage of their demographic group, the Vietnam era Veterans are now dying off faster than the WWII Veterans due to Agent Orange. Farthest north was Provisional MAG-39 at Quang Tri with two CH-46 squadrons and VMO-6, a light observation squadron equipped with the UH-IE Huey and the fixed-wing Ov-ioA "Bronco." There were the usual Tet season terrorist acts, rocket and mortar attacks, and scattered ground action. It also would yield some spectacular intelligence finds as to the Viet Cong infrastructure in Quang Nam province. The Government of Vietnam's 1970 Pacification and Development Plan had gotten underway officially on 1 January. Camp Eagle (Vietnam) - Wikipedia The enemy must have felt relatively immune to ground action. On June 5just days after the hard-won victoryAp Bia Mountain was abandoned by U.S. forces because it had no real strategic value. Vietnam 40 years later: 101st Airborne Division veteran recalls Ripcord Company A, 7th Marines, had nine squads in place along High way One from Ba Ren bridge south to Baldy and from Baldy west along Route 535 to Ross. By 2 April, the brigade commander, out of contact with the 3d ARVN Division, had come to a reluctant conclusion that he would have to fall back to Quang Tri city. It would be 1st Battalion, 9th Marines last battle in the Vietnam War. The years goal of having 90% of the population secure was reached in October and the percentage was up to an estimated 94% at the end of the year. FOR THE COMMANDER: EARL C. JACKSON, JR. 1LT, INFANTRY Adjutant DISTRIBUTION: 3 Office, Chief of Military History 1 CINCUSARPAC ATTN: GPOP-MH 1 USARV ATTN: AVFCS-MH The purpose of the operation was to cut off North Vietnamese infiltration from Laos and enemy threats to the cities of Hue and Da Nang. The 51st ARVN Regiment sent its battalions into Base Area 127 on Charlie Ridge above Thuong Due. "A Year In Vietnam With The 101st Airborne: 1969-1970" by Harry G. Enoch is a different kind of read and does not follow the same boilerplate template used by other Vietnam authors. Most of Routes 1 and 4 were under three feet or more of water. On 8 February, eight Marine CH-53S lifted over a million pounds of cargo into Khe Sanh. As a 101st Airborne Screaming Eagle Sapper 326 Combat . For the time, three squadrons would continue to be based at Phu Bai, but responsibility for operating the airfields at Dong Ha, Quang Tri, and Phu Bai had been passed to the Army. On this same day, 7 May, 16 A-4s from VMA-311 flew their last strike into Laos, the four remaining OV-10As flew their last reconnaissance, HMM-262 stood down its CH-46S, the ASRT on Hill 327 began to dismantle its radars,22 the 1st Military Police Battalion relinquished its airfield security mission to a Regional Force group, and 2d CAG pulled in its last CAPS from Dien Ban district. It called for a two-phase operation; first a heavy air and artillery attack by fire beginning 18 September, and then an infantry assault by the 5th Marines on 21 September. There was also a Marine advisory unit of about 60 officers and men with the Vietnamese Marine Corps which had grown to a three-brigade light division. During this year the U. S. 1st Air Cavalry Division and 101st Airborne Division were deployed to the northern provinces and came under the operational control of III MAF. Two battalions of the 51st ARVN Regiment cooperated with an attack northward against the ridge from Thuong Due corridor. Less than a year later, on 25 June 1969, the 160th Aviation Group was redesignated as the 101st Aviation Group. The most successful Operations had been those where the SLF had been used as a highly mobile and self-sufficient reserve with which to exploit opportunities developed by on-going, in-country operations. On 27 March Camp Faulkner near Marble Mountain, home of the 1st Engineer Battalion, went to a mechanized cavalry element of the 23d (Americal) Infantry Division. Meade River (20 November-9 December 1968) was an outstandingly successful application of County Fair techniques. It had its three organic infantry regiments, the 1st, 5th, and 7th Marines; its artillery regiment, the 11th Marines; and the usual combat support and combat service support battalions. Also Naval Review, 1969, p. 141, and Naval Review, 1970, p. 320. Meanwhile, 3d Battalion, 7th Marines, operating from Baldy, had joined a Regional Force company in still another sweep of Barrier island. (In October the last of the old EF-10Bs, the durable "electronic whales," would be phased out in favor of an increasing number of EA-6As, the reconnaissance version of Grumman's highly successful A-6 Intruder.) Operation Lamar Plain - 1969 - Vietnam Company K, 26th Marines, had six squads out in hamlets south and west of Nam 0 bridge, and Headquarters Company, 5th Marines, had three squads in hamlets along Route 4 west of Dai Loc. The pull-back, which now began, also required Marine heavy helo lift to get out guns and other heavy equipment. Outrage over what appeared to be a senseless loss of American lives was exacerbated by photographs published in Life magazine of U.S. soldiers killed during the battle. Free shipping for many products! 101st Airborne Screaming Eagles Sapper 326 Combat Engineer Website is a flashback of my Vietnam Sapper Tour of Duty in 1968 and 1969, during the Tet Offensive (TET 68) and Tet Counter Offensive. U.S. combat since the Korean War. All Rights Reserved. At the beginning of 1971, III Marine Amphibious Force was authorized 24,811 Southeast Asia Program Marines. A UH-1D Medevac helicopter takes off to pick up an injured member of the 101st Airborne Division, near the demilitarized zone., 10/16/1969 9/3/03(Courtesy National Archives found by our history buff, Tony Mabb) Lieutenant General McCutcheon had been nominated by the President for a fourth star and to succeed General Walt as Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps on 1 February 1971. On 12 June, the 1st Battalion, 9th Marines teamed up with a task force from the 1st Brigade, 5th U. S. Mechanized Division, near Khe Sanh itself for Operation Utah Mesa. The Vietnamese Marine Division at this time was commanded by Lieutenant General Nguyen Le Khang. But what of the 3d Marine Amphibious Brigade? There were thought to be 24,000 North Vietnamese in the objective area including the 2d NVA Division and a total of 11 regiments. May 15 became the start of a joint Americal/101st Airborne effort named Operation Lamar Plain that continued until mid-August 1969. Colonel Kelley's 1st Marines on 11 January began an operation called Upshur Stream, the 1st and 3d Battalions moving up into the Charlie Ridge area to look for the elusive rocketeers of the 575th NVA Artillery Battalion. The northern fork is Route 536. The reason for the lower peak strength yet higher total number serving was, of course, that Vietnam was fought using peacetime personnel policies. As the Marines area of operations had contracted, the focus of the operation had shifted from the Que Sons to Charlie Ridge. See "marine Corps Operations in Vietnam, 1965-1966," Naval Review, 1968. pp. Most of the rest in the coastal lowlands or river valleys, with a very fewMontagnardsin the mountains. Of this number, 53 had been in I Corps. (Assault) underwent a similar transformation and was redesignated as the 159th Combat Aviation Brigade. The same day that the bridge was opened to traffic, Colonel Nichols 7th Marines began Operation Oklahoma Hills up on Charlie Ridge, thought to be the base area of the 31st, l4lst, and 368th NVA Regiments. In the south, three NVA divisions came out of Cambodia along the axis of Route 13 and were stopped at An Loc. Fordts. To fill in behind the two battalions of the 5th Marines which had gone south to Baldy and Ross, the area of operations for Colonel Paul X. Kelleys 1st Marines was extended to include Charlie Ridge, Hill 37 at Dai Loc, and Hill 65 in the Thuong Due corridor. 12 Both Baldy and Ross had long since, outgrown their original respective designations as a "landing zone and a "fire support base. A landing zone, by definition, is simply a place where aircraft can land. . The largest number were members of the 1st Air and Naval Gunfire Liaison Company, parceled out in teams from just below the DMZ down to the southern tip of the peninsula. Operations into the A Shau Valley, 1968-69 - Military Trader/Vehicles MAG-11 at Da Nang had VMg-1, two A-6A squadronsVMA(AW)-225 and VMA(AW)-242and VMO-2 with its OV-10As. In addition to three Vietnamese combatants being killed and 19 wounded, 74 civilians lost their lives and 63 more men were wounded. 3-13. At this time, mid-summer 1969, the 26th Marines were west of Da Nang and the 1st Marines south of the airfield and Marble Mountain, the two regiments concentrating on saturation patrolling of the "Rocket Belt," the arc swung around Da Nang at the extreme range of the 122-mm. The Americal Division, in a coordinated operation, Russell Beach, moved a two battalion task force onto the peninsula to cut off the southern exits. On the other hand, the computer recorded that the landings had resulted in 6,527 enemy killed, 483 prisoners taken, and 774 weapons captured. No two FSBs were exactly alike, either in Dewey Canyon, Taylor Common, or elsewhere, but typically an FSB would provide room for a battery of artillery (often a mixed battery of 105-mm. In the north, two NVA divisions attacked, one slicing across the DMZ while a second rolled east along Highway 9 into Quang Tri province. Base Area 611 did not go long unattended. Enclosed is the annual supplement to the unit history for the 1st Battalion, 502d Airborne Infantry, during calendar year 1968. 101st Airborne Division In The A Shau Valley 1969-1971

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